Monday, June 22, 2009

It all begins today ....

I am so so excited that my class with Karen Russell starts today. 
I have been wanting to learn more about photography and how to shoot in manual for awhile now. And even though i have been reading up a lot about my camera and how to use it - its going to be fantastic having a "live" class to follow. 

So far I love the set up for the class. As you read and listen to a lesson there is a check box next to that lesson so you know where you are and what you have done. However looking at how many lessons are ahead of me is a bit daunting - 8 weeks of 5 lessons a week is a lot. But I am totally up for the challenge and hope to come out the other end a better photographer. 

So a big shout out to my fellow class mates! Look forward to getting to know you all over the weeks ahead!

1 comment:

natalienicole said...

hey kristin! i'm also looking forward to the class! looks like our 'favorite blogs list' is similar! take care.