Sunday, February 28, 2010

The sun ....

The sun shone for a couple of hours yesterday morning  and boy did we enjoy it. We are really getting excited to welcome Spring and say goodbye to Winter and all the layers that come with Winter. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our little Artist

Alexandra can really surprise us sometimes! She has really been enjoying drawing lately and i cannot wait to make her own little artist corner in her room soon.

Tonight she started drawing as usual and wouldnt let any of us look at it. And this was the result. I'm amazed at how much progress she has made in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First skiing lesson

Today we were up and out of the house by 9am! Crazy for a Sunday right. We had Alexandra's first skiing lesson at 10am and we were all super excited about it. Yesterday we headed into town and bought Alexandra's first ski helmet and googles and she (and Dylan too) wore them all day.

Anyway the day was just beautiful. Blue skies and quite warm. There were a couple of tears in the first session. Alexandra just could not control her feet. But after a much needed break she was then up and ready to try again. She did such a great job and we are so very proud of her.




Friday, February 19, 2010

Repurposing and reorganizing

We have had a big clean out, clean up and reorganizing out entire apartment. The first project was the kids room, but that has not been completed just yet - we then moved around our entire living space and we are loving the new functions is presents us. The best so far for me, is repurposing a lovely cupboard that we as our office storage.

New office Storage

I had all those IKEA boxes in our hallway in a bookcase and it was driving me insane at how messy it looked. But then i had an idea to see if they fit inside the cupboard where we moved our desk next to, and it does. Perfectly! As if it was made just for this. I love find like this.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where have i been?

So it for sure has been awhile.

It wasnt until today that I actually started to see some sort of normality around our home and felt that i could start blogging again.

We were in Australia for 2 months and boy did we have fun. But 2 months away is tough. It was tough to get back into the swing of things. Plus with both children being ill and having visited the Drs 5 times in not even 3 weeks - something had to give.

So now that is out of the way, here is to more blogging!

And a blog post is never complete without a photo
